the dogs arent genetical cripples because of the color. research. North. I grew up with black and reds, and I would like to get another Black and a white. The white dobie has long since outgrown the initial inbreeding through which the breed was developed,as the Bullmastiff once did. Brenda. My red Dober-boy, Steele, gets a sunburn on and just above his nostrils the fist day outside in the Spring. Does that NOT send a red flag right there? Ive been studying this breed for about 6 years now and I continue to learn so much. It takes two copies of the gene to be an albino. Mutt dogs (shelter dogs) make better pets for the simple fact that they are not typically bred for a specific purpose and this gives them (depending on the mix of breeds) wonderful personalities and surprising qualities. What is so different with these? I had two doberman a blue and a fawn they both loved to play with tennis balls. They love you! Just because you read one article, dont take it for fact. We are not trying to replace Katie, that would not be possible. Always liked working dogs because they are bread to do jobs not looks I could go on to list the breeds that have been ruined but any dog lover knows what they are Thanks for reading about my memories of well loved four legged friends! He cannot wait to run down stair to greet us when any of us come home, and its delightful to see his gentle loving nature knowing exactly where our three year old granddaughters face will be when she opens the door, so he can give her a little kiss of acknowledgement on the cheek. Get yourself another color. For example, if the white gene in a tiger provided resistance to any given cat disease, then breeding white tigers could potentially endow the species with a get-out-of-jail-free card in the future. The goal in breeding is to better each individual breed. The population of white tigers is also too small and probably somewhat inbred to realistically test this theory. As far as loving them as a dog, absolutely. Home / Uncategorized / what is a doberman haversham. If I was going to go to the beach with her, I have her doggles and sun screen just like I would for my blond haired, blue eyed kids. Did you just comment please dont neuter your dog? As far as going from a one person house to a family environment this is doable if the dog is socialized around children. Your comment is awaiting moderation. Joanne, I rescued a White Dobie about a year and a half ago and in December had a tumor removed from his eyelid and a few from his lip that were cancer. Religious bashing is rude. Mutt dogs are said to be the best, but this is not always the case. This breed of dogs originated in Germany where it was distributed all over the world. I had a Blue Doberman. I rescued a Fawn from a humane society in Washington State in 2011. The male dog is very intelligent, very loving and affectionate, and riddled with unfixable health problems. It disgusts me deeply. In reguards to health issues, all purebred dogs have more health issues than mixed breed dogs, generally each BREED has its own list of common health problems associated with THAT BREED. Unless you are familiar with and have done extensive research on all of the health issues that are in the breed today such as DCM, DVDob, VWD and hip dysplasia, I do not recommend breeding. No its norepriducing Its a pet. I believe those batteries that have been discovered from days of old, using vinegar, were possibly used for making colloidal silver! WZ i found out after the fact from AKC is a designation of Dobermans with the albino trait even though he is a blue Doberman, he is a carrier and hence why he was given that designation. Wow!! Most of all just LOVE your Doberman because they are very sensitive and require being close to their owners/families. I am concerned that our rather flawed, poorly evidence-based opinions may rob us of the pleasure of some lovely animals. Unfortunately I am from Romania and I think it would cost me a lot more as it is also a great distance. Both are great but only with a reputable breeder. Theyre not the ones that have the problem I think you need to seek some help. But I surmised that a low dosage daily would be better. My pup is a normal 6 month old Dobe, she visits her fawn sis all the time and is happy and healthy. The majority of the American GSDs are bred with such a slope on their hindquarters they literally run on their hocks. Doesnt matter which color has your doberman, matter is you have a doberman. I have a mix of Minature Pincher and a West Highland Terrier as well as the German Shepherd. Its a domesticated animal (we) as responsible adults are to look out for their well being, And yes I encourage this because youre saving the animal giving it a healthier life. we all know that dobes are very intelligent. The MESOSILVER brand is the only one I can recommend because it is the only one Ive ever used. However, for a Doberman Pinscher puppy with top breed lines and a superior pedigree, you may need to pay between $3,500 and $5,000. In the begining there was only adam and eve..they had kids one died so how do we have billions of people if we did not practice inceset at one time should we have stopped because one of us had 6 fingers, lighter skin, stomach problems, or even had multiple births? No tail cutting should be done after and only by vet. This lasted all day as we sit outside. Litter Size. Agree! Are you kidding? Do not let smooth talking greeders convince you. I hope you found yourself another Doberman love. Is it normal for them to have blue eyes as an adult? or a sheppherd dog or a wiener? There is no such thing as a white doberman. However, when we look at the longevity of, say, albino rabbits, guinea pigs, pigeons and budgies, we can realistically say that being white in itself is not fatal to a species. All domesticated animals including all dog breeds are a bit of an abomination or reconstruction of natural selection and I feel that we need to be wary of pontificating or judging the significant efforts of those who believe in breeding white Dobermans. If you ever get a chance to see a German Bred Doberman, be sure to take a lot of photos and video, then compare it to any Dobe bred in the United States. Deduction is usual $100 $200, and your reimbursement 80% of your bill. Second major problem and most expensive: woke up one morning and found MoZart wimpering and saw his eyes had changed colors: one was blue, the other a strange greenish color took him to the emergency vet hospital and found he was suffering from a corneal ulceration :-(. Nothing wrong with her at all. The medical condition is a specific need as stated and I feel the two breeds are a good mix in temperament Wiems have keen senses and good temperament around kids and people these dogs were bred to stay close to their owners when hunting, they are good breeds that were bred to be in the house as well as accompany their owners outside hunting they are a royal working dog class. Also dont give them free rein of the house, maybe just the kitchen or a bedroom, just in case they get into trouble if bored, (use a baby gate). Today. I started to use the term cream in identifying them as well because, lets face it, they are a cream color and not white or albino. Just curious, I have a 1 year old purebred blue Doberman and he has blue eyes. ?She starts her puppy training tonight! Dobermans have a specific temperament that was bred to protect their owners they are also very well tempered around children and people. She already had beautiful manners, we just added a calm environment and patience to her life, which made her the perfect companion for us. He was rescued, so his ancestry was unknown. Shes beautiful, smart, and a very interesting colour. I have previously had 4dobies and one of them was born deformed. this makes sence, but i also have to work for a living. The white skin is a mutation which occurred most likely to increase absorption off vitamin D in northern countries which is where the white races evolved. CASH!! I am getting ready to buy the only black and rust puppy from an all white litter. If just to get it away from you and whatever this white thing you have is not visited upon the animal. I am living with a little companion that is pure bred, that should be POOR BREAD! Little kids that dont know him jst run right up to him and want to pet him. I will eventually get another dobie but I need to get past loosing Galileo. I am looking at an Isabella (Fawn). U sound like an idiot! Possibly started to discourage people from breeding with the intentions of producing Whites. Talk to a vet. Exposure to children is essential to even an adult dog. When I worked they was able go outside in a large fenced yard . my first time breeding a dobe i got black, red, fawn, white and cream. could anyone tell me their experience if possible with Z factor of puppies? We are in Huntsville, AL. In the next 15 to 20 years, folks will be bucked off of their high-horses, and the Z designation will be dropped in the AKC registration, and people will be free to love these animals as they should and not revile. Yes, he requires a lot of exercise but the entire family is spoiled by his great temperament. And I think most owners feed twice a day, in morning and evening or if your dog looks skinny. My first dobe came from a first time breeder and he had both DVDob and VWD. I have taken in many dogs that were not purebred and wonderful animals. He distinctly said Sheba was an albino, the original one. I dont think all the voodoo science about the whites are real. All my dogs have been indoor dogs so by dark mom was holding the door open for her to go in. Im somewhat discouraged because shes such a sweet girl and I love her already. You sound like you have a deep love for the breed. As far as food for upset stomachs, usually vets recommend something like plain rice and chicken. -Thanks. Many people crave having cute and adorable healthy pets. Educate yourself, you freaking twelve-year-olds. I do Not think it would be right to breed with the specific intentions of producing a litter of beautiful White or Cream color Dober-Babies. He is crate trained for while she is at work and he loves to go for rides and hikes. We are searching the rescues, not an easy task they all have their own qualifications to adopt. Lets use our brains to think about original, non-judgemental thoughts! What are the health risks for a red pup from a red dad and albino mother? Do your research and stop trying to bad mouth the white dobies. Also, consumers and dog lovers need to be educated about the health concerns of these dogs. I am capable of finding a good breeder as I have a history with AKC and the breeders. Wish the health on my Black/rust dogs over the years were as good as my Cream/white. At the time of her registration it was found that there was in fact 7 other AKC registered white dobes. (Unless of course you live on Mars, and I do take that as a serious possibility.) But health problems or no, like I said he is my baby, I love him sooo much and I wouldnt trade him for the world. I happened to find her on Craigslist and have been in contact with the owner who is going thru some hard time divorce etc and is moving and not able to take Trinity with her.. Keep him for a week let him run and do all the things that make him happy, then bring him back. My advice would be to first: find out if the pooch you might get has been registered as the dreaded WZ and if so RUN! You all claim to care so much about these dogs but yet you obviously put no effort into educating yourselves about them and how maintaining a healthy vibrate breed standard is accomplished. Im a trainer & I deal with head cases and dogs bred for looks that are nothing but looks all the time. Maybe you should think about that before commenting on another animal site. WHY are people so concerned with LOOKS and COLOR, there are already many different colors of dobies and if you breed white ones or want white ones YOU ARE A DISGRACE. And we have owned the famed Australian Cattle Cog whose intelligence is legendary. There are people in this terribly troubled and divisive world that dont deserve to have the loyalty and unconditional love that most any dog will give openly and freely, even if they do not receive the same comfort and respect from their companion. I Had a red and Blond, I Loved this dog and Was the Smartest Dog I have ever had, I will Probably buy another registered Red and Blond , or I Might try a Black and tan this time either way this Dog will have a fantastic Life, Traveling and Being Spoiled!!! Congrats. I struggle with my two red Dobermans shedding, what can I do if anything. I love him to pieces. If there are genetic problems in a particular line say, deafness or blindness then that could easily be mitigated by careful selective breeding. It doesnt get much better than that!!! My mother is disabled as well with mobility issues which I feel the dog is good for as well for her. Standards change when there is enough demand by the breeders. THEY WERE GORGEOUS DOGS WITH A UNIQUE COLOR FOUND IN A RECESSIVE GENE! Your going off on the author of this site does nothing to change that. I like any dog without its ears cut off. In the past I had 2 German Shepperd, but after my first blue doberman all my family totally fall in love in this breed and couldnt imagine our home without doberman. Over the last 15 yrs it has become common to see oversize dobes (height as well as weight). Our red dobie that is 8 months nowheeats 3 meals a day. Sometimes the mutation is harmful, sometimes it is not. Even if he is expensive to keep healthy. White Tigers are not albinos, and therefore do not suffer the genetic weaknesses common to albinos. Hey, I was wondering if they had insurance for pets, where could I purchase the insurance? I think the main point about white Dobermans is that they should rarely be bred from both white parents. I got my last two from Doberman Rescue League which is in south florida and my first from Doberman Rescue of the Triad which is in North Carolina. Hey I do not breed dobermans but my neighbor does I have researched the breed to the highest of levels cause I could not understand y she was hoping for a blue or white Well we both share 7 acers and have one fence around the entire property I breed wolf hybrids been doing so since I moved she breeds dobies and her brother breeds pitbulls. So I was thinking of her as well. Still, breeding is needed for that so the idiot you replied to is, in fact, an idiot. There are just to many reports of health risks, and all just so you can have one in a white color. Id kept him used to kids by taking him back to my friends I got him from. Kind regards, Jessica Hi, Ive been thinking about breeding Dobermans but not sure. Their nose is pink usually and skin. Many people crave having cute and adorable healthy pets. Fact is all Doberman are awsome. If you ask me its people who are ignorant and stupid . I purchased a red puppy whose dad is red and mom is white. You need to remember all dogs came from the wolf and though breeding such as line breeding and inbreeding we have a wide variety of dogs some good some not so good but they all deserve our love and care no matter what. doberman pinscher playing. About 15 yrs ago when I still lived in the US (Virginia) I was introduced to a breeder of white Dobes. My vet at the time gave me something to bath Blue in. Weimie ?:). Mixing this with his water in the large container, he gets small dosages throughout the day. White dobermans are actually light cream main colored with white markings. I have to say I actually own 4 white Dobes and 4 white factored Dobermans. Its because of people like you who feel its not worth it to neuter them, therefor they keep reproducing . The white puppies are not a MUTATION GENE that has never been proven and is a lie. I dont want to see an outstanding breed tarnished by this uneducated, irresponsible behavior. My first doberman was with us some more than 13 years. i have owned 4 of the 5 colors ( i have never owned a red) and i have to say that the whites and the blacks were the healthiest and had minimal problems. Everyone that meets him, wants him. i am wanting to buy a doberman puppy as a pet because i have heard how intellegent and easily trainable they are. I have two Dobermans both female a red/rust and white/cream. That is the equivalent of cutting out a womans ovaries and a mans testicles without their consent.