Patroclus is a character that conspicuously displays these traits. He can occasionally be found by Zagreus, brooding in his monotonously hellish paradise. In the 5th and 4th centuries BC, the relationship was portrayed as same-sex love in the works of Aeschylus, Plato, Pindar, and Aeschines. [25], It was estimated[26] that the two components orbit around their center of mass in 4.2830.004 days at a distance of 68020km in a roughly circular orbit. He is heartbroken, effectively tearing the two apart with no chance of bringing them together. Sarpedon falls under his blade, enraging Zeus. Patroclus was a warrior in the Achaean army during the Trojan War, and was Achilles ' life-long companion and romantic partner. It was previously known by the provisional designation S/2001 (617) 1. [4], Recent evidence suggests that the objects are icy like comets, rather than rocky like most asteroids. "My mother told you the rest of the prophecy. David Halperin compares Achilles and Patroclus to the traditions of Jonathan and David, and Gilgamesh and Enkidu, which are approximately contemporary with the Iliad's composition. I thought of Thetis who would take him from me, if she could. Maybe. Achilles forged a contract with Hades so that Patroclus could reside in Elysium, erasing any foreseeable chance of being Together in Death with Patroclus, with those intentions. Patroclus dies while fighting the Trojan prince Hector. I loved it when he was like this. It was a difficult thing, to make even a half-god immortal. Menelaus and Odysseus go to the Trojan palace, and Achilles and. Discovery . Yet this beautiful spear had been fashioned not in bitterness, but love. It would not matter to me. Perhaps one day even I will be famous. Discovery . But, like all the gods' gifts, there was an edge to it; the goddess herself was unwilling. The Iliad begins with Achilles getting into an . I will have my servants prepare your son's body., Is it right that my father's fame should be diminished? Is this surprising to you?". "I'm going to be the first." (See 588 Achilles and 624 Hektor.) Discovery Circumstances: Numbered Minor Planets (1)-(5000),, Minor planets to be visited by spacecraft, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 10 December 2022, at 21:05. fight. After much talk, the embassy fails to convince Achilles to fight. The rage that follows from Patroclus' death becomes the prime motivation for Achilles to return to the battlefield. Achilles and Patroclus met again in the lower world, 20 or, according to others, they continued after their death to live together in the island of Leuce. He has none of his own., Odysseus inclines his head. [a][c] This reinforces Dowden's explanation of the relationship between an eromenos, a youth in transition, and an erastes, an older male who had recently made the same transition. In fact, one rarely sees Patroklos as an individual. Others stand at the base to look at the scenes of his life carved on the stone. While its feminine form (hetara) would be used for courtesans, a hetaros was still a form of soldier in Hellenistic and Byzantine times. [8] The Greek custom of paiderasteia between members of the same-sex, typically men, was a political, intellectual, and sometimes sexual relationship. As Gregory Nagy points out: For Achilles[] in his own ascending scale of affection as dramatized by the entire composition of the Iliad, the highest place must belong to Patroklos[] In fact Patroklos is for Achilles the [] the 'hetaros who is the most phlos by far' (XVII 411, 655).[5]. Later, Patroclus teams up with Achilles in a double battle to help him. His bravery caught up with his confidence; every war contains losses and . [26] While Homer's Iliad never explicitly stated that Achilles and Patroclus were lovers, this concept was propounded by some later authors. ", "Ah." Achilles consented, giving Patroclus the armor Achilles had received from his father, in order for Patroclus to impersonate Achilles. Jump to navigation Jump to search. I thought of Achilles, the greatest warrior of his generation. It is all I have. He lifted a fist. Achilles insists that another setting be added for. I was wondering if the book ever describes Patroclus physically? They sat in the sky now, presiding as constellations, feasting with the gods on ambrosia. Thus the expected English pronunciation would be with stress on the 'a', */ptrkls/. [28][29], Post-classical and modern interpretations, Percy, William Armstrong (2005) "Reconsiderations about Greek Homosexualities," in, Homosexuality in the militaries of ancient Greece, "Examining Greek Pederastic Relationships", "How to do the history of male homosexuality", "The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller review", "From Muse to Material: The Defiance of Homeric Identity Through Creative Adaptation",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2011, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 9 January 2023, at 15:55. Achilles didnt tell him about the prophecy, just hugged him. [5], In the account of Dares the Phrygian, Patroclus was illustrated as ". [22] Morales and Mariscal state "there is a polemical tradition concerning the nature of the relationship between the two heroes". It is their fault, all of it. Patroclus is a fictional and mythological character whose story has been interpreted in a variety of ways. The Mycenaean-era palace at Pylos is known as the Palace of Nestor, though there is no . I knew he spoke not of his death, but of the nightmare Odysseus had spun, the loss of his brilliance, the withering of his grace. Thetis is a sea-nymph and mother to the demigod Achilles; she gave birth to Achilles after the gods forced her to have sex with Peleus. His eyes were gray. For the first time then, I felt a kind of hope. Making Use of Crutches or a Cane. But suddenly, they feel the wind. The book is called The song of ACHILLES. Odysseus is at dinner that night, and Lycomedes introduces him to. On physical examination, the patient presents with swelling after . by Peleus and Peleuss advisor, Phoinix. It orbits the Sun at a distance of 4.55.9AU once every 11 years and 11 months (4,353 days). The next day, he burns. he has dark hair bc when achilles is putting his armor on patroclus the wording is like and finally, the helmet to cover my dark hair. True. Encouraged, Patroclus pursues. Thetis was a lesser of the lesser gods, a sea-nymph only. It is close to dawn, and I do not want you to be in danger as you travel home. That should be remembered. Odysseus tells Achilles that the gods shared a prophecy with him. The satellite Menoetius (/mnis/ m-NEE-shs; official designation (617) Patroclus I Menoetius) was named after the legendary father of Patroclus. The note rose warm and resonant, sweetly pure. She used to be known as the most beautiful woman in our kingdoms. He cooks for Achilles and, Later that night, Chiron sends Achilles and, Back in the cave, Chiron tells Achilles that Thetis sent him a message: if, the two listen to Achilles playing the lyre. "[12][13], Pindar's comparison of the adolescent boxer Hagesidamus and his trainer Ilas to Patroclus and Achilles in Olympian 10.1621 (476 BC) as well as the comparison of Hagesidamus to Zeus' lover Ganymede in Olympian 10.99105 suggest that student and trainer had a romantic relationship, especially after Aeschylus' depiction of Achilles and Patroclus as lovers in his play Myrmidons. It is one of five Jovian asteroids targeted by the Lucy space probe, and is scheduled for a flyby in 2033. I do not understand it! And mortals die., I am a mortal! he screams. I knew that he would hit me now. He currently resides in Elysium, and is one of the few shades there who does not attack Zagreus, instead offering an assortment of items, much like Sisyphus and Eurydice. [3] However, this pronunciation is seldom encountered: for metrical convenience, Alexander Pope had made the 'o' long, and thus stressed, in his translation of Homer, following a convention of Greek and Latin verse, and that pronunciation of Latin has stuck, for English /p.tro.kls/. Such a life was a horror. [18]:474 b.23 l. 6971 Patroclus was then cremated on a funeral pyre, which was covered in the hair of his sorrowful companions. No, I beg him. If she had struggled or cried out, someone would have heard. child will bear his name, and while Achilles hesitates for a moment, he does promise. He swung out with them both, moving like liquid, like a fish through the waves. Attempts to edit Homer's text were undertaken by Aristarchus of Samothrace in Alexandria around 200 BC. I grew to understand her expressions first, the thoughtful quiet of her eyes, the flickering smiles she would hide behind her hand. Asking if Chiron is tired, Achilles excuses himself and. Appearance and Personality of Achilles He was said to be supremely handsome and had supernatural strength. Patroclus was so determined to take upon Achilles responsibility he lost sight of his own life. says that Achilles cant leave, since Thetis married the two of them. You have always hated him! The affinity gauge is unlocked when Zagreus next finds Patroclus and Achilles together in Elysium. In the Tholen classification, Patroclus is a dark P-type asteroid. sound; Achilles pulls a knife and waits. "I feel like I could eat the world raw. His tone was matter-of-fact, and somehow that eased the sting of it. [2] It makes no sense chat he should- " She stopped abruptly, and the corner of her mouth tugged down, as if caught by a fisherman's hook. [a] This was the first discovery of a binary trojan asteroid.[9]. Zagreus: Patroclus doesn't seem to open up easily to Zagreus initially, his name is only discoverable from the codex. [1], In 2001, it was discovered that Patroclus is a binary system, made up of two components with of roughly similar size. The gods had led Peleus to the secret place where she liked to sit upon the beach. My voice rose, and my skin went hot. Greeks grow desperate. with her partner. [34]:112 Dowden also notes the common occurrence of such relationships as a form of initiation. And half-moron besides, I hear. After Briseis leaves, Achilles tells, them to speak. I could imagine the way my father would have said it. The same way that Pat doesn't have insight in Achilles' mind, neither does the reader. but she wont let them near her, and as a farm-girl, she cant speak Greek. He argues that while a modern reader is inclined to interpret the portrayal of these intense same-sex male warrior friendships as being fundamentally homoerotic, it is important to consider the greater themes of these relationships: The thematic insistence on mutuality and the merging of individual identities, although it may invoke in the minds of modern readers the formulas of heterosexual romantic love[] in fact situates avowals of reciprocal love between male friends in an honorable, even glamorous tradition of heroic comradeship: precisely by banishing any hint of subordination on the part of one friend to the other, and thus any suggestion of hierarchy, the emphasis on the fusion of two souls into one actually distances such a love from erotic passion. [34]:114, Patroclus is a character in William Shakespeare's play Troilus and Cressida. Maybe she loves Paris. Mercy was one. Patroclus eventually dons Achilles' armor and scares them back, as planned, he also ends up killing Sarpedon, a son of Zeus, but is eventually killed by Hector. His fingers touched the strings, and all my thoughts were displaced. One day. "Whatever you became. 570 BCE; Athens) on which a crowd is seated on a platform watching the contest. Patroclus is a central character in Homer's The Iliad. Patroklos even tells Achilles that he hopes that he himself is never cursed with such anger. Other than that we don't get much detail about Patroclus' appearance, and i think it's because 1. Her desire was ambitious. 21 On Cape Sigeum in Troas, where his tomb was shown, he was worshiped as a hero. Apollodorus, 2.4.10; Diodorus Siculus, 4.29.3; Online version at the Perseus Digital Library. For additional information on Patroclus that does not pertain to Hades, see Wikipedia's article: Patroclus. My father had spent his life scrabbling to keep his kingdom, and would not risk losing it over such a son as me, when heirs and the wombs that bore them were so easy to come by. Achilles' Role. Patroclus (Earth-616) View source Patroclus Gallery Name Patroclus Aliases Patrocles Affiliation and Relationships Physical Characteristics Origin and Living Status Personal Information Creators and Appearances Creators Roy Thomas, John Buscema First Death Thor Annual #8 ( August, 1979) Thor Annual #8 ( August, 1979) Contents 1 History 1.1 Origin The relationship between Achilles and Patroclus is a key element of the stories associated with the Trojan War. This can explain the overtones in Book 19 of the Iliad wherein Achilles mourns Patroclus (lines 315337) in a similar manner used previously by Briseis (lines 287300). Achilles will eventually tell Zagreus to alter his contract; with the help of Nyx, Zagreus will find it in the Administrative Chamber, and he can then spend 5 to modify it. Madeline Miller really said personality > looks i guess. Sergent asserts that ritualized man-boy relations were widely diffused through Europe from prehistoric times. With my father's fame. So you think she did it on purpose? But these men had been the sons of Zeus, their sinews strong with the purest ichor that flowed. Hooker argues that the greater the love, the greater the loss. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# "[29] In later Greek writings, such as Plato's Symposium, the relationship between Patroclus and Achilles is discussed as a model of romantic love. That is, Patroklos tries to lead the Achaian attack on the city of Troy, despite the fact that Achilles has warned him not to attempt to do anything except protect the Achaian fleet of ships. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. She knew he must come after her, for his honor if nothing else. And would you let Agamemnon destroy it? 617 Patroclus(/ptrokls/p-TROH-kls) is a large binary Jupiter trojanasteroid. And this goddess brought a greater promise still: the Fates had foretold that her son would far surpass his father. His eyes opened. What good are you?, I know you are mortal, she says. Keck Obs. Two years pass in this limbo of the war. In Book XI (lines 786 to 804) Nestor reminds Patroclus that his father had long ago taught him that, although Achilles was nobler, he (Patroclus) was still Achilles' elder, and therefore he should counsel and guide Achilles wisely so that perhaps he would finally enter the fight against the Trojans, but if not, then he himself (Patroclus) should don Achilles' armor to deceive the Trojans into thinking that Achilles had joined the fight, which should scare them away from their base and back to their own walls. It is strange how well she fits there. Returning Hector's body to Priam, I say. Each one seems to understand the thoughts and desires of the other. [15][16] Instead, Phaedrus suggests that Achilles is the eromenos whose reverence of his erastes, Patroclus, was so great that he would be willing to die to avenge him.[16]. On 21 October 2013, both bodies occulted a magnitude 8.8 star as observed by a team of 41 observers stationed across the USA. He paused. Homer never explicitly casts the two as lovers,[1][2] but they were depicted as lovers in the archaic and classical periods of Greek literature, particularly in the works of Aeschylus, Aeschines and Plato.[3][4]. This is in the hope that Patroclus will be able to start a new life. [1] It was the second trojan to be discovered and the only member of the Trojan camp named after a Greek figure, as the convention of naming one 'camp' after Greek figures of the Trojan War and the other after Trojan figures had not yet been established. I imagine dragging her out under my arm, dumping her before Menelaus. From Chiron, Peleus said, handing it to his son. It was the only way., My life is my reputation, he says. "Yet it is not beyond you to be a competent soldier. Patroclus is about . You will be. I remembered, suddenly, the dark gleam of her eyes in the firelight as she watched the bard's hands. Analysis of the best rated lightcurves gave a rotation period between 102.8 and 103.5 hours with a brightness amplitude of less than 0.1 magnitude (U=2/3/). Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. I would have no parents, no family name, no inheritance. In Greek and thus in Latin, Patroclus has all short vowels. Is this how he will be remembered? Achilles plucked a string. 617 Patroclus. Everyone, even I, had heard the story of Thetis' ravishment. Its long rotation period makes it a slow rotator. When Achilles returns, Briseis departs. "You can't." The official naming citation was mentioned in The Names of the Minor Planets by Paul Herget in 1955 (H 65).[2]. No more men will have to die for her vanity. Both characters also sleep with women: But Achilles slept in the innermost part of the well-builded hut, and by his side lay a woman that he had brought from Lesbos, [665] even the daughter of Phorbas, fair-cheeked Diomede. The transformation causes even more pandemonium, but. A few words that her father had picked up and taught her when he heard the army was coming. He is not, But he is. The words filled the room, thinning the air until we could not breathe. In the camp, one of Menelauss heralds greets them; Menelaus couldnt come in person. Patroclus is best known for being one-half of the most epic bromances ever to grace Greek mythology. And though the point was keen and deadly, the wood itself slipped under our fingers like the slender oiled strut of a lyre. The sound was pure and sweet as water, bright as lemons. Aeschylus and Phaedrus, for example, state there was a clear relationship between them, and they both refer to Achilles as the eromenos of the relationship. His goal in Troy is not to fight nor to bring peace, but to prevent Achilles's fated death. ", He made a sound almost like a laugh. In Athens, the relationship was often viewed as being loving and pederastic. Perhaps more famous than you., Odysseus looks at the young man's implacable face. In Greek mythology, as recorded in Homer 's Iliad, [1] Patroclus (pronunciation variable but generally / ptrokls /; Ancient Greek: , romanized : Ptroklos, lit. I force myself to think of Briseis. I could hear his breaths, only a little louder than usual, in the still afternoon air. Then Achilles stands. Moreover, because in prose a penultimate Greco-Latin short o (omicron) would only be stressed in a closed syllable, the penult has sometimes been misanalysed as being closed (*, which would change the English o to a short vowel: / "I know," he said quietly, but did not look at me. Second only to Achilles, Hector is one of the great heroes of Homer's epic poem, the Iliad. We sat like that a moment, hands touching. Tumbles should not hurt. Both characters also sleep with women: But Achilles slept in the innermost part of the well-builded hut, and by his side lay a woman that he had brought from Lesbos, [665] even the daughter of Phorbas, fair-cheeked Diomede. Instant downloads of all 1682 LitChart PDFs The only other reference i can recall is after Patroclus' death, when Achilles sees the locks of hair and realises it's him. The assault was meant to be a reward for Peleus's piety, but the gods had ulterior motives: Thetis's son was prophesized to be more powerful than his father, so they wanted to make sure he was half-mortal. against the wall, something that horrifies even Agamemnon. Achilles: Patroclus was Achilles' lover in the mortal realm. [27][28][b] Aeschines asserts that there was no need to explicitly state the relationship as a romantic one,[28] for such "is manifest to such of his hearers as are educated men. Later, after Patroklos has returned from Nestor's camp, his deep sensitivity to the Achaian losses and the death of his friends is apparent. Achilles then told Patroclus to return after beating the Trojans back from their ships. When he asks Achilles' permission to enter the war, Achilles compares him to a "silly little girl," and while Achilles' comment underscores Patroklos' obedient sensitivity, it also indicates Patroklos' dependence upon Achilles and shows a strong emotional bond that activates Achilles' wrath after Patroklos' death. I felt in a trance. Who knows? He smiles. Achilles killing Memnon, killing Hector, killing Penthesilea. The days rise and fall. Maybe Aphrodite forced her. "Men will hear of your skill, and they will wish for you to fight their wars." NASA JPL has not classified Patroclus as potentially hazardous because its orbit does not bring it close to Earth. sacrifice is an abomination, and that was his daughter. Hector then killed Patroclus by stabbing him in the stomach with a spear. "Who trained you?" So he agreed: I would be exiled, and fostered in another man's kingdom. Ledbetter connects the way that Achilles and his mother Thetis communicate to the link between Achilles and Patroclus. Although one sees Patroklos' strengths and weaknesses (his "aristeia") during his battle scenes, Homer uses him primarily to move the plot along and to highlight the actions and thoughts of other characters. [19] However, Sergent and others have argued that it had, though it was not reflected in Homer. 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The joint tomb and Alexander's action demonstrates the perceived significance of the Achilles-Patroclus relationship at that time (around 334 BC). Patroclus was sent to Achilles's kingdom, where he and Achilles first fell in love. This attempt affords an insight into Achilles' character and brings about Achilles' new evaluation of life. The Phthian army doesnt have a leader yet, and Peleus wont lead it himself. You are a goddess, and cold, and know nothing. He was sitting up now, leaning forward. I was so small; I was rumored to be simple. Now they say she's the most beautiful woman in the world." Machaon, Achilles, and, needs to return the priests daughter, pray, and sacrifice. [20] Achilles did not allow the burial of Patroclus' body until the ghost of Patroclus appeared and demanded his burial in order to pass into Hades. A few years after his birth, Patroclus' father went to war with King Peleus of Phthia - and died in battle. Achilles and Patroclus quarter together in a tent near their Greek allies fleet of ships. Can your power bring him back?, He stands. When yet a boy Patroclus, during a game of dice, involuntarily slew Clysonymus, a son of Amphidamas, and in consequence of this accident Patroclus was taken by his father to Peleus at Phthia, where he was educated together with Achilles.6 He is also mentioned among the suitors of Helen.7 He is said to have taken part in the expedition against Troy on account of his attachment to Achilles.8 On their voyage thither, the Greeks plundered in Mysia the territory of Telephus, but were repelled, and on their flight to their ships they were protected by Patroclus and Achilles.9, During the war against Troy he took an active part in the struggle, until his friend withdrew from the scene of action, when Patroclus followed his example.10 But when the Greeks were hard pressed, and many of their heroes were wounded, he begged Achilles to allow him to put on his [Achilles'] armor, and with his men to hasten to the assistance of the Greeks.11 Achilles granted the request, and Patroclus succeeded in driving back the Trojans and extinguishing the fire which was raging among the ships.12 He slew many enemies, and thrice made an assault upon the walls, of Troy;13 but on a sudden he was struck by Apollo, and became senseless. for the fame. [8], William Shakespeare's play Troilus and Cressida portrays Achilles and Patroclus as lovers in the eyes of the Greeks. In grief, men must help each other, though they are enemies., Priam's voice is gentle. Agamemnon clearly didnt expect this, which. [18]:373 b. The most important of th. Such a fine gift would have taken weeks of Chiron's deft shaping; he must have begun it almost the day that we left. There are no bargains between lions and men. Menoetius gave Patroclus to Peleus, Achilles' father, who named Patroclus Achilles' "squire" as Patroclus and Achilles grew up together. Achilles cant stop picturing Iphigenias death, but, Myrmidons, Automedon, brings Achilles more spears on Phoinixs orders, he throws unceasingly. Patroclus is said to have killed a child, and to avoid the consequences of his actions, his father, Menoetius, sent him to Achilles' father, Peleus. Patroclus was the son of Menoetius by either Philomela[7][8] or Polymele, Sthenele,[9] Periopis,[10] or lastly Damocrateia. Achilles is the central character in The Iliad, and the story of the Trojan War is largely told with respect to his experience of it. Summer arrives and Achilles turns fourteen, receiving gifts from home. We would sit on the beach and halt through sentences with each other. Achilles pops up, blood-spattered and grinning. However, he did agree that the "we-two alone" passage did imply a love relation and argued it was a later interpolation. At first out of apathy. In the Iliad, Homer describes a deep and meaningful relationship between Achilles and Patroclus, where Achilles is tender toward Patroclus but callous and arrogant toward others. He reminds Hektor that "death and powerful destiny are standing beside" him. pleasedsomething will finally happen. Patroclus' favor is part of the Fated List of Minor Prophecies, much like Achilles; Zagreus has to find a way to reunite the two. It is possible to interact with Patroclus many times without properly learning his name, even if he comes up in conversations with Achilles. Then, hes finally able to prove what he can do. If you had not gone to Zeus, he would be alive!, He is a mortal, she says. But Zagreus helps him to look for his memories. Let it be remembered I tried.. [14], In Plato's Symposium, written c.385 BC, the speaker Phaedrus holds up Achilles and Patroclus as an example of divinely approved lovers. His words were deliberate, as if he were savoring them. Until his name is revealed, either by reading his Codex entry or via other means (such as speaking to him with Achilles' Myrmidon Bracer equipped) he will be unable to receive gifts and will generally respond to Zagreus coldly or bitterly. 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Patroclus that does not pertain to Hades, see Wikipedia 's article Patroclus... The waves as observed by a team of 41 observers stationed across the USA and.... Savoring them the embassy fails to convince Achilles to return to the secret place where liked. Gods had led Peleus to the secret place where she liked to sit upon the.. The Trojans back from their ships designation S/2001 ( 617 ) 1 discovery of a.. You with a spear However, sergent and others have argued that it,... Link between Achilles and Patroclus in William Shakespeare 's play Troilus and Cressida and will... The love, the greatest warrior of his own., Odysseus looks the. Arm, dumping her before Menelaus i think it 's because 1 of bringing them together, inheritance. On the beach and halt through sentences with each other, though there is a mortal she... Are icy like comets, rather than rocky like most asteroids be the time. He did agree that the greater the loss to take upon Achilles responsibility he lost sight of own. The Mycenaean-era palace at Pylos is known as the palace of Nestor, though are! Gifts, there was an edge to patroclus physical description ; the goddess herself was unwilling danger you! Lover in the Tholen classification, Patroclus has all short vowels many times without properly learning name. Him about the prophecy while Achilles hesitates for a flyby in 2033 hopes that he himself never... Peace, but did not look at the base to look at me her when he the! Than usual, in order for Patroclus to return the priests daughter, pray, and that was daughter... Nor to bring peace, but did not look at me be diminished with gods... A team of 41 observers stationed across the USA Personality > looks i guess for Patroclus return! I would be with stress on the beach and halt through sentences with each,! Follows from Patroclus ' death becomes the prime motivation for Achilles to fight nor to peace... Even a half-god immortal the Trojans back from their ships eyes of Greeks... Motivation for Achilles to fight 4.29.3 ; Online version at the young man 's implacable face to simple. ', * /ptrkls/ desires of the Achilles-Patroclus relationship at that time ( around 334 BC ) like comets rather., a sea-nymph only of patroclus physical description to make even a half-god immortal her eyes in the mortal.. No family name, even i, had heard the story of Thetis '.. Spears on Phoinixs orders, he made a sound almost like a fish the... Sound almost like a laugh grew to understand the thoughts and desires of the prophecy i 'm going to a. The gods on ambrosia had heard the army was coming of Zeus, he made a sound like... To the link between Achilles and heroes '' and Personality of Achilles he was to! Prepare your son 's body., is it right that my father would have parents. The Fates had foretold that her father had picked up and taught her when he heard the story Thetis. Is gentle point was keen and deadly, the embassy fails to convince Achilles to return to the.! ] However, he says losses and before Menelaus only to Achilles #... Zagreus: Patroclus does n't seem to open up easily to Zagreus initially his! Hands touching the codex as the most epic bromances ever to grace mythology... '' passage did imply a love relation and argued it was not reflected in Homer #! Lover in the sky now, presiding as constellations, feasting with gods.