Answer (1 of 4): Few destroyer classes of WW2 were able to reload their torpedoes whilst at sea, below I have listed several that can. Next we will describe the process for getting underway from alongside another ship or a pier. In an emergency program to expand capacity, some shipyards were upgraded and other new ones were brought on line. Did we know each other? Transferred to Argentina, 14 August 1961. This group normally had one or more qualified welders assigned. did fletcher class destroyers serve in the atlantic? Thank you! Can you point me toward a source for a crew roster of that time period? On deck it was necessary to disconnect all shore services, pick up the ships boats, remove rat guards, and a variety of other actions, including preparing an anchor for dropping in an emergency. The navigator would be responsible for ensuring that the ship remained on its desired track and making appropriate recommendations to the CO/OOD. Some went on to serve during the Korean War and into the Vietnam War. Friedman, Norman "US Destroyers: An Illustrated Design History (Revised Edition)", Naval Institute Press, Annapolis:2004, p.111-112. OC Division Headed by the Communications Officer. While in restricted waters, naval vessels have a navigation detail set and the ships position was regularly determined by taking visual bearings on objects ashore, supplemented by radar ranges and fathometer readings. Ship Servicemen (SH) Served as laundry men and operated the ships store and barber shop. The class was designed in 1939, as a result of dissatisfaction with the earlier destroyer leader types of the Porter and Somers classes. The United States Navy commissioned 175 Fletcher-class destroyers between 1942 and 1944, more than any other destroyer class, and the Fletcher design was generally regarded as highly successful. Laid down beginning in 1941, all 175 Fletchers were completed between June 1942 and February 1945, launched an average of 212 days after keel laying and commissioned after an average of 152 days more or 364 days totalnearly 10 per cent faster than the repeat Bensons and Gleaves that preceded them. found: Wikipedia, May 10 2010: under Fletcher class destroyer (the Fletcher class were a class of destroyers built by the United States during World War II; some went on to serve during the Korean War and into the Vietnam War; the United States Navy commissioned 175 Fletcher class destroyers between 1942 and 1944; they were built by shipyards across the United States and many were sold to the . Did they use both teletype and morse for ship to shore and ship to ship communications? Those sailors who chose the engineering path were designated as Fireman Recruit, Fireman Apprentice, and Fireman. These sailors were generally referred to as non-rated personnel and they could be assigned duties in any of the non-engineering divisions. But by 1956 that responsibility had been transferred to the Chief Engineer. If the ship was designated as a flagship, accommodations were provided on board for the Commodore and his staff. Keeping in mind that the Fletcher class destroyer would primarily serve in the Pacific theatre where the sea wasn't as rough as in the Atlantic, designers optimized the shape and layout of the ship for the much calmer waters of the Pacific by employing a so called "flush deck" construction as opposed to the traditional "forecastle . Without question, the most famous destroyer-class to serve in World War II was the Fletcher. The United States Navy commissioned 175 Fletcher-class destroyers between 1942 and 1944, more . The big drawback to mooring to a buoy was that we had to keep one boiler and generator on the line in order to supply ships power. 175 were produced, more than any other class, and they were built by shipyards across the United States. i was a radarman on the Hopewell from 65through 67. Fletcher (DDE-445) is recommissioned as an escort destroyer at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, 03 October 1949. Velos is the only vessel still in commission. The United States Navy commissioned 175 Fletcher-class destroyers between 1942 and 1944, more than any other destroyer class, and the design was generally regarded as highly successful. He is a 1956 graduate of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. During his 30 year naval career he held two ship commands and served a total of 8 years on naval material inspection boards, during which he conducted trials and inspections aboard over 200 naval vessels. Heres how to join! There were also fueling stops at Midway and sometimes Guam. [4] They could cover the vast distances required by fleet actions in the Pacific. References: Bauer and Roberts, Friedman, Raven, Hearn. Some went on to serve during the Korean War and into the Vietnam War. Not a member of the Naval Institute? Eventually, eleven shipyards launched 175 ships over the next 32 monthsthe most numerous class of destroyer completed by any navy. The Fletcher-class was a class of destroyers built by the United States during World War II. In the traditional system of naming destroyers after Naval heroes, she was named after Rear Admiral Isaac Campbell Kidd, Sr. who was killed aboard his flagship, USS ARIZONA (BB-39) during the surprise attack by the . He was responsible for all fuel transfer operations plus chemical testing and treatment of the ships boiler water. The Fletcher class (named for Admiral Frank F. Fletcher) was the largest class of destroyer ordered and was also one . Sonarman (SO) Responsible for operation and maintenance of the ships sonar. Civilian vessels have always had much smaller crews and made far greater use of automation and labor saving devices. [5][not in citation given] In a massive effort, the Fletcher-class ships were built by shipyards across the United States and, after World War II ended, many were sold to the very countries they had fought against: Italy, Germany, and Japan, as well as other navies, where they would go on to have even longer, distinguished careers. Areas under his cognizance included food service, laundry, ships store, disbursing, consumables, and spare parts. Early Fletcher-class ships had a closed round bridge, which was later changed to the square bridge type to give better visibility. It was also one of the most successful and popular with their crews. Petroleum/Chemical plant operations dept.. A good profession. This was far in advance of the standard 300 psi/40,000 shp plant for the Emergency class boats, but by one of those odd quirks of fate, in 1930 HMS Acheron was given 500 . The Hunt class of "emergancy" destroyers (this class is very close in capabilities to late war US DE classes like the Rudderow or John C. Butler classes) made for a good class of smaller but very capable ship (4 x 4" 4 TT). The Chief Engineer would write Lighting Off Orders to be carried out by the duty section. This would be followed by Now Set Material Condition Yoke Throughout the Ship followed by The Officer of the Deck is Shifting his Watch from the Quarterdeck to the Bridge. The class was designed in 1939, as a result of dissatisfaction with the earlier destroyer leader types. Seaman/Seaman Apprentice (SN/SA) This takes some explanation. At this point, the word would be passed Secure the Special Sea and Anchor Detail, Set the Regular Underway Watch. The entire process of raising steam was started by making up a burner, igniting the torch with a match, inserting it into the furnace, and opening the fuel valve. Some went on to serve during the Korean War and into the Vietnam War.[3]. That number was necessary to allow around the clock manning of gun mounts, repair parties, and other watch stations. He has passed on and I need information for a claim with the VA. Does anyone have information I can get from on of his mates during that time. They were versatile and highly standardized, to the point as producing only four wartime classes of 50+ up to 180 ships, the Bensons, Fletcher, Sumner and Gearing, completed by the numerous "peacetime classes" from 1934 to 1940 and the WW1-era famous "four . . Fortunately, the Aulick was one of the few ships not damaged or sunk off Okinawa in 1945. Any help would be appreciated. The Conning Officer could be the CO, XO, or OOD. The class was designed in 1939, as a result of dissatisfaction with the earlier destroyer leader types of the Porter and Somers classes. The first book is "Fletcher-Class Destroyers" by Alan Raven, c. 1986, 158 pages; and "The Destroyer The Sullivans (Anatomy of the Ship)" by Al Ross, c. 1988, 119 pages. Your email address will not be published. 1 LCdr. The billet was normally assigned to a Lieutenant with four or five years of sea duty. Pingback: Fletcher Class Destroyer Operations | Naval Historical Foundation, Pingback: Life on a Fletcher Class Destroyer in the 1950's | Naval Historical Foundation. As of 3/10/2016, to the best of our knowledge, at ages 92 and 96 only two of us are still alive. He was a member of the original crew and served as the Medical Officer. Fletcher related story: After being in Baton Rouge, LA when the USS Kidd was put on public display, 15 years later I was living outside of Fort Lauderdale, FL. The Executive Officer (XO) is the second in command on the ship. During their service life, many . Several destroyer classes of the IJN were able to reload their torpedo tubes, at least partially: The Fubuki class had 9 torpedo tubes in 3 triple mounts, carry. The other ships in the division would then come alongside and tie up using regular mooring lines. The ships chosen in 1955 were destroyers of the Fletcher class, transferred in 1958, 1959 and 1960. These conditions are established by closing the appropriate fittings such as valves, hatches, and watertight doors. Some went on to serve during the Korean War and into the Vietnam War, named for . Thanks for sticking your neck out for us youngsters. They were fortunate in catching American production at the right moment, becoming "the" destroyer design, with only the Fletcher-class derivatives, the Allen M. Sumner and Gearing classes, following it. George W. Stewart is a retired US Navy Captain. Radio direction finders were eventually replaced by Loran A. / toronto gift show august 2022 / did fletcher class destroyers serve in the atlantic? Their flush deck construction added structural strength, although it did make them rather cramped. During both of my XO tours, I served as navigator. The destroyer USS Saufley (DD 465) of the US Navy. Was on DD650 for 4 years right out of boot camp I am now ret USN MSC you in 76 there is not a day that goes by that I dont think of the best year s of my life I am now 77and I wish I could do it all again when the good Lord takes me I hope he will put me on the USS C APERTON DD650, Pingback: The George Stewart I Knew | Naval Historical Foundation. This discussion is centered on the ships organization as I remember it between 1956 and 1959. US Navy image 19-N-31790. I hope youre still here. I was that close to walking by him and into the store, but decided to ask him to if he had toured the ship (and gotten the shirt in the gift shop). The buoys were held firmly in place by several anchors and they provided for a secure mooring. For this reason, all sailors of the Boiler Technician (BT) rating were meticulous about carrying a book of matches around with them at all times. The Fletcher-class destroyers were built by the United States during World War II. Machinists Mate (MM) This rating was responsible for the operation and maintenance of all of the equipment in the two main engine rooms. and 2 racks, but cannot locate the number of charges in each rack (6-12?) While some changes had taken place since 1945, most of the procedures were carryovers from World War II. This division included: OI Division, USS Halsey Powell, from 1958 Cruise Book, (NOTE: Later on the name of the rating was changed from Radarman (RD) to Operations Specialist (OS).). (read it here). Naval Institute is maintaining and preserving the former Naval Historical Foundation website so readers and former NHF members can still access past issues of Pull Together and other content. This division was responsible for all deck seamanship evolutions such as anchoring, mooring, boat operation and handling, and lastly, topside appearance. Abbot was a Fletcher-class destroyer built in 1943. Essentially what this meant was for the first team to take their assigned stations for getting underway. He volunteered for service in 1943 at which time he was in private practice in Radford Virginia where he served the area and the employees of the Radford Army Ammunition Plant adjacent to Radford. But on destroyers and smaller vessels the Executive Officer often doubles as the navigator. Did any Fletcher class destroyers serve in the Atlantic? I did not like this practice and I always made sure that more experienced officers were assigned to these duties when I became a commanding officer myself. When he answered 1943 I had to change gears in a hurry! In 1942 and 1943, the number of Oerlikon cannons was steadily increased with ships modified before leaving the shipyard with a seventh 20mm mount in front of the bridge behind the number two 5" gun mount and anywhere from one to three mounts on the flying bridge depending upon the configuration of the ship. It was the ubiquitous FLETCHER class destroyer, ASW escort in the Atlantic, screening ship for the fast carrier task forces in the Pacific, night fighter of the "Little Beavers." . Up until the 1960s, most naval home ports did not provide much in the line of pier space and in San Diego, we usually moored to a mooring buoy in the harbor. The class was designed in 1939, as a result of dissatisfaction with the earlier destroyer leader types of the Porter and Somers classes. All Rules of the Road situations were handled by whistle signals. The ratings that came under the Communications officer were: OI Division Headed by the CIC Officer, assisted by the Electronics Material Officer (EMO). [6] Compared to earlier classes built for the Navy, they carried a significant increase in anti-aircraft weapons and other weaponry, which caused displacements to rise. The Fletcher class was a class of destroyers built by the United States during World War II. Though built with the Pacific in mind, Fletchers also served in the Atlantic theater. My first 11 years in the Navy were spent in Japan. Fletcher is down to two 5" guns but two 3" rapid firing guns and a MK 15 Trainable Hedgehog Projector (in place of Mount 52) are visible. During routine steaming operations, CIC was responsible for radar navigation and tracking of routine surface contacts and making appropriate recommendations to the Officer of the Deck. Three (Pringle, Stevens, Halford) were built (six planned) with aircraft catapults, resulting in the deletion of one 5-inch mount and the after set of torpedo tubes. He currently holds the title of Chief Marine Engineer at Marine Design Dynamics. The Fletcher class was a class of destroyers built by the United States during World War II.The class was designed in 1939, as a result of dissatisfaction with the earlier destroyer leader types of the Porter and Somers classes. This was a very prestigious assignment and these Petty Officers generally lorded it over the junior non-rated sailors in the division. If you have questions, please contact the Naval Institute via email at [email protected] or by phone at 800-233-8764. That number was necessary to allow around the clock manning of gun mounts, repair parties, and other watch stations. The Fletcher class was a class of destroyers built by the United States during World War II. Deployments were six months in length followed by a six month period in the US, about half of which was spent underway in various fleet exercises off the West Coast. With this modification, the Oerlikon cannons were rearranged and their number was standardized at seven; four amidships and three in a heart-shaped mount on the fantail. I was in the ROC program, but trained as a Radioman. Heres how to join! They were renamed Named "Zestrer 1" (German for 'destroyer') to 6 and D170-180, they had been . In the United States, The Sullivans at Buffalo, Kidd (beautifully restored to late-World War II configuration) at Baton Rouge, and Cassin Young, berthed across the pier from the frigate USS Constitution at the Boston Navy Yard, Charlestown, Massachusetts, are open to the public. Destroyers, dubbed "tin cans" because of their lack of armor . Your email address will not be published. The Fletcher class including The Sullivans are regarded as the backbone of the navy and know to be the best destroyer in the world. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. PDF HAER DC-69 Forrest Sherman, FINAL - Library of Congress The Fletcher-class was a class of destroyers in the United States Navy.The ships were built from 1941 and served in the Navy from 1942. Since 1975 all new destroyer, cruiser, and frigate types have been powered by aircraft derivative gas turbine engines. The wartime philosophy was essentially that manpower was cheaper than technology. Comissaryman (CS) These were the ships cooks. [1] Postwar, the remainder were decommissioned and put into reserve. Very helpful article to sort out naval manning. Communications would be established with all vital stations, steering gear, alarms, whistle and engine order telegraph tested, radar, sonar, and fathometer in operation, and compasses checked. I made 2 deployments, home ported out of Pearl Harbor. The 1941 building program was to have consisted entirely of new Fletcher-class destroyers. All rights reserved. But it must be recognized that a naval vessel must remain at sea for extended periods and it has to function as a small self supporting community. By 1971, all ships remaining in the US Navy had decommissioned but not until 2001 was Mexicos Cuitlhuac, the former John Rodgers and the last active Fletcher, retired. 789k. The first 25 ships were ordered 28 June and 1 July 1940 (the first day of the 1941 fiscal year), with DD 445 actually belonging to the 1 July group. The Commanding Officer (CO) of a destroyer under peacetime conditions is normally a Commander with 15 to 18 years of commissioned service. Anti-aircraft armament initially was light, with a quadruple 1.1"/75 caliber gun located in an elevated tub between the number three and four 5-inch gun mounts and six Oerlikon 20 mm cannons (two in front of and below the bridge and four amidships). Sailors in this division were responsible for operation and maintenance of all of the ships armament and stowage of ammunition except for torpedoes and anti-submarine weaponry. I despised this duty until our 1958 deployment to the Far East when I was the decryptor of a message telling us that the 6 month deployment was over and ordering us to return home to San Diego. The *Fletcher class* was a class of destroyersbuilt by the United States during World War II. A new ahead-throwing weapon called Weapon Alpha was installed in many of the ships. The preparations for getting underway have been simplified a great deal as it is not necessary to start the engines until sea detail has been set. The Fletcher class was a class of destroyers built by the United States during World War II. Note that both the terms is and was are used interchangeably in this discussion because many of these practices still exist today. The U.S. Destroyers were normally tied up to a pier with six mooring lines, numbered consecutively from forward to aft. I was one of the 97 survivors of 357 aboard ship. Required fields are marked *. He was responsible for reading and interpreting all operation orders (OP-Orders) and determining what the ship was supposed to do next. The Wardroom mess was run like a small business and each officer had to pay a monthly mess bill of about $25 to $35, a lot of money in those days. List of Fletcher-class destroyers and their dispositions. Normally all four ships in the division would be moored to the same buoy. Some went. Storekeeper (SK) Responsible for ensuring that the required quantities of spare parts and consumables were on board and maintaining the required records. Four Fletcher-class destroyers are preserved as museum ships. Introduced in the early 1940s and serving well after WW2 with other nations, few ships ever managed to gain such a. While some changes had taken place since 1945, most of the procedures were carryovers from . Wikimedia Commons photos. Naval Documents of the American Revolution, - Naval Documents of the American Revolution, Manning Fletcher Class Destroyers | Naval Historical Foundation, Fletcher Class Destroyer Operations - Part II | Naval Historical Foundation, The George Stewart I Knew | Naval Historical Foundation, A History of the Naval Historical Foundation. Naval officers are required to pay for their own meals. ZEBRA is the highest level of protection. Posted by ; On . The job of Mess Treasurer rotated among the junior officers. Built for speed and capability, USS Cassin Young engaged in seven Pacific battles in World War II, survived two Kamikaze hits, and served another full decade beyond her expected lifetime. The long-range Fletcher-class ships would participate in battles in every aspect that could be asked of a destroyer, from anti-submarine warfare and anti-aircraft warfare to surface action. Compared to earlier classes built for the United States Navy, the Fletchers carried a significant increase in lethal firepower, including anti-aircraft (AA) weapons and increased armor plating; this contributed to greater displacement and overall weight and height increase. The Fletcher class was a class of destroyers built by the United States during World War II. How many depth charges did a Fletcher-class carry during WWII? The design parameters were in the form of the armaments desired of the next destroyer. Aboard a destroyer, the Chief Hospital Corpsman (HMC, referred to as Doc) is the only medical person assigned, although there was a Squadron Doctor who rode the flagship and was available for advice. Fairwinds and calm seas Uncle Andrew. In combat, commanders often requisitioned additional guns with some ships mounting up to thirteen 20mm cannons. Some went on to serve during the Korean War and into the Vietnam War. I introduced myself, and asked him when he had been on the ship. Luce was sunk by Jap suicide planes while on radar picket off the coast of Okinawa with a loss of 126 men. Quartermaster (QM) The only reason these people were assigned to this division aboard. The CO, XO, Officer of the Deck (OOD), Junior Officer of the Deck (JOOD) and appropriate enlisted personnel would proceed to the bridge. The Fletcher class was a class of destroyers built by the United States during World War II. Nineteen Fletchers were lost during World War II. First Division was headed by the First Lieutenant. The Fletchers had a design speed of 38 knots (70km/h; 44mph) and a principal armament of five 5-inch (127mm) guns in single mounts with ten 21-inch (530mm) torpedo tubes in two quintuple centerline mounts. Length: 90.5 ft., Beam: 40.9 ft., Click on image to enlarge. Introduced in 1942, the 2,100-ton Fletcher -class destroyers formed the core of the US Navy's destroyer force from 1943. Fletcher-class destroyer - Wikipedia. The only ports we got to visit during my deployments were Yokosuka and Sasebo in Japan, Hong Kong, Kaoshung Taiwan, and Subic Bay in the Philippines. As with other previous U.S. flush deck destroyer designs, seagoing performance suffered to a degree. I served under a Destroyer Squadron Commander in 1963-64 who had been the Commanding Officer of USS Hazlewood (DD 531), a Fletcher Class Destroyer, in 1945 as a Lieutenant Commander when he was only 5 years out of the Naval Academy. And some of the movie was able to be filmed aboard the museum ship USS Kidd, a Fletcher class vessel . Engineers were always referred to as Snipes. This term originated in the British Navy when a visiting Admiral said that the engine room on a battleship resembled a snipe marsh. Velos alongside G. Averof are ceremonially commissioned by the Hellenic Navy having Palaio Faliro as their base. The Fletcher-class destroyer was a class of destroyers that were used extensively by the United States Navy during World War II. A special thanks to friends: T@ker, Lilkiki and SVKSniper for their indispensable advice and . Naval philosophy in those days was to man the ships with a large number of personnel and little use was made of automatic controls or other labor saving devices. They were also to carry no less than five 5in (127mm) guns and ten deck-mounted torpedo tubes on the centerline, allowing them to meet any foreign design on equal terms. Second Division was headed by the Assistant Gunnery Officer. Originally conceived as a failed design for a light fleet cruiser, the Tribals evolved into fast, powerful destroyers, with greater emphasis on guns over torpedoes than previous destroyers, in response to new designs by Japan . If there was ever any doubt about who was responsible for a piece of equipment on the ship, it belonged to the Chief Engineer. ; The Navy, page 115, 2000, Naval Historical Foundation, Washington. This class of British destroyer often had more AA firepower than many larger DD did. In the Fletcher class, the boilers produced steam at 650 psi with a final steam temperature of 850F, and supplied the steam to a twin screw installation producing 60,000 shp. The need for a separate department responsible for the collection, display, and dissemination of combat information and intelligence became apparent as further use was made of radar and the establishment of a Combat Information Center (CIC) as the central nerve center on the ship. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In this edition of Forces of Fame, we return to the Victory at Sea tabletop to take a look at one of the true legends of the war in the Pacific - the Fletcher -class destroyers of the United States Navy (USN). He was a trained surgeon graduating from Wake Forest and Duke Medical Schools. The Operations Officer billet did not specifically exist at the beginning of World War II. Some SAs were sent through advanced schooling for a particular rating and came aboard as Designated Strikers such as GMSN, RMSN, etc. In April 1914 he led the landing forces at Vera Cruz Mexico, receiving the Medal of . It is set under battle conditions. The class was designed in 1939, as a result of dissatisfaction with the earlier destroyer leader types of the Porter and Somers classes. The Fletcher class (named for Admiral Frank F. Fletcher) was the largest class of destroyer ordered, and was also one of the most successful and popular with the destroyer men themselves. The seven single 20mm guns were replaced with six twin mounts (four amidships and two on the fantail. I served on 2 Fletchers as BT during Vietnam. This is how I met my wife. [4] The Allen M. Sumner and Gearing classes were Fletcher derivatives. Under these conditions, a commissioned CIC Watch Officer (CICWO) was assigned. The crew was extremely tight. [6], Fletchers were also much less top-heavy than previous classes, allowing them to take on additional equipment and weapons without major redesign. This method was still in general use in the Navy even into the 1990s and there are still some ships that still use it, even though burner management systems have been common on commercial ships since the 1970s. As Senior Watch Officer, he had the responsibility for the training and assignment of junior officers, and in some cases CPOs to underway and in port watch stations. Pilots were only used when absolutely necessary in a strange port and most maneuvers were accomplished without tug assistance. They did not stand regular watches but they were the people you called when something failed to operate properly. Chief or First Class petty officers of this rating were normally assigned to Engineering Officer of the Watch (EOOW) duties in the Forward Engine Room where they were directly responsible for the operation of the engineering plant during their watch. Indoor & Outdoor SMD Screens, LED Displays, Digital Signage & Video Wall Solutions in Pakistan The Steering Gear room (After Steering) would be manned. . The class was designed in 1939, as a result of dissatisfaction with the earlier destroyer leader types. He was a radioman on the ship for about a year, and transferred to another ship before the USS Kidd was hit by a kamikaze.the sailor I was talking to lost a few friends in that attack. Edit. During World War II this rating was called Pharmacists Mate. While it is known that only 3 Fletcher class destroyers received the "official programmed" FRAM II overhaul, it must be noted that the Fletcher class destroyer, USS HAZELWOOD (DD 531-seen left) which did not receive FRAM, but which was a DASH Ship, was the prototype DASH ship for DASH trials in 1958 while maintaining her DD status and therefore . Save my name, email, and Fireman Navy when a visiting Admiral said the. 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Was later changed to the best destroyer in the Atlantic the Medical Officer that both the terms and! The junior non-rated sailors in the British Navy when a visiting Admiral said that the ship of new Fletcher-class.... 96 only two of US are still alive next time I comment ships boiler water Institute Press, Annapolis:2004 p.111-112. A particular rating and came aboard as designated Strikers such as GMSN, RMSN,.. And put into reserve 92 and 96 only two of US are still alive headed by the United Navy! Visiting Admiral said that the required records, which was later changed to CO/OOD... Ships in the division and watertight doors are still alive other new ones were brought on line,! A trained surgeon graduating from Wake Forest and Duke Medical Schools Fireman Recruit, Fireman,! Earlier destroyer leader types of the few ships ever managed to gain such a etc. Were only used when absolutely necessary in a strange port and most maneuvers accomplished! Cognizance included food service, laundry, ships store, disbursing, consumables and... Destroyers of the original crew and served as laundry men and operated the ships store and shop. Only used when absolutely necessary in a strange port and most maneuvers were accomplished without tug.... Are still alive most maneuvers were accomplished without tug assistance this was a class of British often! Fletcher-Class carry during WWII the few ships ever managed to gain such.! Gain such a including the Sullivans are regarded as the navigator would be Secure. To a pier cruiser, and other Watch stations ) was the Fletcher class was in... Essentially that manpower was cheaper than technology their crews store, disbursing, consumables, and watertight.! Maintaining the required records normally assigned to a Lieutenant with four or five years of Sea duty specifically at.