Bustamonte later explained to Seal that Nicaragua was an>excellent place to engage in dope smuggling because the Communist Sandinistas>provided the cartel with a safe harbor for the transfer of Colombian cocaine>from one airplane to another when the final destination was the United>States.[6]. Hotel in New Orleans.Lee Odom said.They met for lunch to discuss U.S. authorities wanted to put him on trial for drug smuggling. Seal was murdered just before he was . Wasnt he involved in contra affair with OLLIE and Felix ? WEINER I have known him all my life. As he parked his car, he was approached by a man carrying an assault weapon. Was it Ochoa? Seal had discovered, flying into Mena from outside the>continental United States, that under certain circumstances U.S. Customs>agents at the airport did not inspect aircraft. Your email address will not be published. no. The FBI and IRS were pulling up the rear, and at least one>special agent with the Arkansas State Police CID was scratching around for>information. Tax records show that, having assessed Seal posthumously for some $86 million in back taxes on his earnings from Mena and elsewhere between 1981 and 1983, even the l.R.S. The Mena, Arkansas Airport. MichelRoux , a.k.a. [30] However, it was commonly rumored (and with good>reason) in both Louisiana and Arkansas in the 1980s that Barry Seal was>engaged in the arms trade as well as being a cocaine trafficker. Like The Wolf of Wall Street, American Made is based on the real-life exploits of a "lovable" rogue, Barry Seal. Early life. He spent nine months in a Honduran prison and while there, met William Roger Reeves, a fellow prisoner who worked for the Ochoa family of Medellin, Colombia. Barry Seal was a CIA agent and a very successful cocaine smuggler. The Mena Airport, Arkansas, with Photo Gallery. That target was the>Medellin cartel. See, also, "Government's>Response to Defendant's Rule 32 Motion to Correct Pre-Sentence Report," United>States of AMerica v. Adler Berriman Seal, Crim. He normally received a commission for his work.>It wasn't unusual for him to transport up to $20 million in cash in exchange>for a commission of 5 percent of that amount.[7]. | Dark Politics, Pingback: Pablo Escobar: The Many Faces Of The Narco [REVIEW] |, Pingback: Bingo Zone Baton Rouge Louisiana | I love You Zones, Pingback: The Clintons: A Timeline LVX Media, Pingback: Roots of Iran-Contra Crisis Found in Recording of Airport Attack Plan - UNICORN RIOT, Pingback: 'American Made' Brings Real-Life Drug Smuggler Barry Seal to the Big Screen Too Dope Hip Hop, Pingback: 'American Made' Brings Real-Life Drug Smuggler Barry Seal to the Big Screen | Alt Left Press, Pingback: American Made Brings Real-Life Drug Smuggler Barry Seal to the Big Screen Thinking Port. Wow Barry Seal I think he is pretty Awesome loved movie about him. >1. Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal (July 16, 1939 - February 19, 1986) was an American commercial airline pilot who became a major drug smuggler for the Medelln Cartel.When Seal was convicted of smuggling charges, he became an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration and testified in several major drug trials. He had a small fleet of planes and helicopters, two ships, 60 employees, and a seemingly unlimited supply of cash. By this time, Seal had purchased a C-123. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Oliver North was working for the CIA in Oklahoma and Arkansas in the>1980s. Thank you. Barry Seal was a known name between the drug peddlers and crime cartels in the '80s. In 1981, he was making daily deposits of $50,000 into an account at a bank in the Bahamas. Bowe was a well-known lawyer and drug>smuggler in the region. operative extraordinaire is hardly a familiar name in American politics. He flew to Washington and met with two members of Vice President George Bushs Task Force on Drugs. From the official record in United States of America v. Adler Berriman>Seal. But, Barry's first love was>flying. According to both Seal and Terry Reed, who claims to>have been a CIA "asset" in the 1980s and who flew with Seal in and out of Mena>on numerous occasions, The Fat Lady was equipped by the CIA with surveillance>cameras for a sting operation in Nicaragua involving the Sandinistas and the>Medellin cartel. Seal Texaco.located corner Acadian Thruway andGoverment Street ,Baton Rouge La.Father Benjamin C Seal and the Sons Benjy Jr,Dean ,Jason ,Aaron, Curtis R,Wendell K, work the gas station and Barry Seal would work when he wasnt flying. One traffic route was through Miami, often by way of Port-au-Prince, the>capital of Haiti. The main purpose of the modifications was to facilitate long->distance nonstop flights to Central and South America from Arkansas. And his participation in Operation 40, the CIA's assassination squad, the blackest of black ops, as attested by the photo taken in Mexico . >Operation Centaur Rose was the name of the CIA gun-running project Seal was>involved in, according to Reed and Cummings. At the time he was also>under indictment in the same federal jurisdiction on thirteen counts of>possession with intent to distribute phenobarbitol, Demerol, and Quaaludes.>With the threat of a lengthy prison term looming ominously over his head, the>freespirited Seal decided to cooperate with authorities and become an>informant. That was what the white>supremacist cult, CSA, was doing in Arkansas in the early to-mid-1980s. (utube videos ) Oliver North interviews and Contra Affair. Using my iPhone, I shot this video of the Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport on July 22, 2016. To Tom Brister One of his flight Students.David Ferrie Died in his apt February 22,1967. Lee Odom said He met Clay Shaw Nov 1966. The narcotics runner, Barry Seal, allegedly . Three can keep a secret if two are dead. Carlos Marcello, Pingback: Podcast Recap: #208 Freeway Ricky Ross The Joe Rogan Experience Database, Pingback: Did Jeb Bush, VP George Herbert Walker Bush and Oliver North Murder CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal in February, 1986? It's a matter of modifying the receiver and replacing>the internal parts in the carrier assembly. Bill Clinton's Mena, Arkansas drug smuggling and money laundering operation through the Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA).. Seal was a Green Beret in the Vietnam war and later a pilot for TWA. >But, in February 1984, Seal was convicted in federal court in south Florida>for possession with intent to distribute Quaaludes. Lee Odom of clay shaw trial.Lee Odom wife Mary Francis had foreknowledge11-22-63 her address:211 W French Place SanAntonio.Tx.Lee Odom P.O.Box Dallas Texas. >Polozola's order also contained certain "special conditions." A man with a machine gun approached his Cadillac. Barry was one of three brothers, including Benjy and Wendell. Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport, in Mena. WOLF How do you know Mr. Yaras ?Mr. (lho kid lived 126 Exchange place) .Clay Shaw Hangout Dixies (KATS) 701 bourbon St(corner St peter).LHO lived with Murrets 757 French Street New Orleans Louisiana.Lillian Murret,(Charles murret) ", >In his cross-examination in the Saunders trial, Seal stopped short of>admitting culpability for anything more than smuggling explosives into Mexico>in the early 1970s. This is the story that couldn't be suppressed. 85-165-Spellman, United States District Court, Southern District>of Florida, September 1985. Cruise will play Louisiana-born smuggler Adler B Seal, known as Barry, in the biopic Mena, set in the 1980s and directed by Doug Liman, who also directed the star in Edge of Tomorrow. He helped facilitate the exchange of drugs for arms in support of the Contras in Nicaragua. Of the>thirty islands in the tiny chain, only six are inhabited. Jack Ruby said Well the answer is the man in office now ___Thats all I have to say. Did Jack Ruby idolize you? [4]>The conviction was overturned on appeal, but he lost his job with TWA. Little did the islanders know that the>evidence elicited from the videotape of this meeting would ultimately lead to>the arrest, extradition, and conviction of three of the men present.[20]. WEINER Since I was a little boy. Yes. In 1981, Seal set up shop at Mena. >The next day, Saunders drove up in a white Lincoln Continental Mark IV,>accompanied by two bodyguards and a third man dressed in a white seersucker>suit. Barry Seal, the son of a candy wholesaler, was born in Baton Rouge on 16th July, 1939. 340, 341. >30. >According to Reed and his coauthor, John Cummings, retired U.S. Marine Lt.>Col. In the 1980s, the Reagan administration was well aware>of the fact that the chances of obtaining congressional approval for such>covert CIA activities as arming military and paramilitary groups, like the>freedom fighters, were slim to none. no. Part of the $48 million paid by Iran to the U.S. for the Hawk and TOW missiles was in turn used to fund the Contras in their fight against the Marxist Sandinistas. >45. >23. At the height of his career, he was under investigation by the DEA in Mena, Arkansas, and New Orleans, Louisiana, in addition to being under the watchful eye of the FBI. In the 1980s, the Mena airport was the reported base of a drug-smuggling, money-laundering and arms-smuggling ring run by Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal, according to an Encyclopedia of Arkansas . American Made: Directed by Doug Liman. (connection mob) Shortly before 6:00 P.M., the forty-six-year-old Seal wheeled the>yellow Cadillac into the parking lot of the Salvation Army Community>Treatment Center in Baton Rouge. >42. >Eventually, Barry joined the local Civil Air Patrol and learned to fly Piper>Cubs. by Ran. Pingback: Film Review: American Made starring Tom Cruise go see it Palm Beach Free Press. John Odom claim that Barry Seal knew LHO and David Ferrie. >31. He later claimed to have made as much as $50 million running 1,000 pounds of cocaine a month from Colombia. Seal flipped, becoming a valuable government informant. Oliver North said:Seal offered witness protection . >25. He invited fellow drug smuggler Felix>Dixon Bates to join him. >24. On July 16, 1955, he earned his pilot's license. Barry Seal. >22. Your contribution would help us immensely in meeting our growing expenses. A joint investigation by the FBI, Arkansas State Police and IRS revealed that Barry Seal used the Mena airport for "smuggling activity" from late 1980 until March, 1984, according . The DEA was obviously delighted when Seal agreed>to become an informant. Where necessary, the stories are specifically>referred to. Gary Stephen Webb (August 31, 1955 - December 10, 2004) was an American investigative journalist. Agents White and Kennedy quickly arranged for Seal to>meet with DEA Special Agents Robert Jura and Ernest Jacobson in Miami. Escobar Hitmen cross over border from Mexico and who leak They also>souped up old cars in the garage behind the house. These included>Nessard Gun Parts, an Illinois company dealing in semiautomatic weapons;>Sarco, Inc., a New Jersey company known mainly as a retailer, but which also>sold conversion kits in Arkansas in the 1980s; Olympic Arms, Inc., a>Washington retailer handling semiautomatics; Center Fire Systems, of Kentucky,>which continues to do business in Arkansas to this day; and Shooters>Equipment, a South Carolina manufacturer handling conversion kits in the>eighties. Under a previous order of the House, the gentlewoman from California [Ms. In secret testimony before the task force, Seal said the Medellin Cartel had cut a deal with the Marxist Sandinistas in Nicaragua. >In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the Medellin cartel (named after the city>in Colombia which was the center of activity for most of those associated with>the drug trade) supplied at least 75 percent of the cocaine smuggled into the>U.S. Seal>flew fifty cocaine-smuggling and money-laundering missions between 1981 and>1983 for the Medellin cartel. (benji/wendell become pilots) Story from John Odom ,fellow cap member claimed thatBarry Seal met Lee Harvey Oswald training exercise that barry enlisted july 1955 same time LHO and Barry Seal knew David Ferrie. >12. >Seal was indicted by a federal grand jury in Baton Rouge on 20 December 1984.>He was charged with possession of 462 pounds of cocaine, a Schedule II>federally controlled narcotic dangerous substance, and for conspiring with>others to distribute that cocaine between 1 June 1982 and 1 January 1983.>Those were alleged violations of Title 21, Sections 841 and 846, of the United>States Code. If the US is a democracy, then the voters themselves are responsible for the horrible state of affairs this country finds itself in. no. Sam Giancana Mexico 1965 1975 .In A pril 1 97 2,Lucien Sarti was shot todeath in Mex ico City.Jean Souetre, a.k.a. Released in theaters in 2017, the film directed by Doug Liman lingered on the true story of Barry Seal, who at the turn of the 70s and 80s was at the center of a criminal affair that thrilled . Arthur>had a very large airstrip and a clean spacious aircraft hangar on a tract of>land he leased from the Turks and Caicos government. Unglesby said the Medellin Cartel killed Seal to prevent the extradition of Medellin Cartel co-leader Jorge Ochoa from Spain, where he was hiding. Eugene Hasenfus, who was on board the plane, survived the crash and told his captors that he thought the CIA was behind the operation to supply the Contras. After the details were discussed and "a division of>labor" was decided on, Seal promised that the islanders would divide at least>$1,250,000 annually. Individuals who wanted to>help the Contras would allow big-ticket items like boats, helicopters, small>planes, and sport/utility vehicles to mysteriously disappear. After exchanging pleasantries with Saunders, the Turks and Caicos>government's chief minister, Seal got to the point and asked Saunders if he>was interested in participating in Seal's drug-smuggling operation, for a>share of the profits, of course. 39. Mr. WOLF When were your meetings with Mr. Trafficante? Another was through the little town of Mena, in western>Arkansas. The balcony of the motel gave . Through a prearranged agreement, the insured property owner would>file a loss claim, be paid by his insurance carrier (so his only loss was of>the item, not its value), and the insurance carrier would then get the benefit>of certain "tax breaks" which allegedly increased the "net income for the>losing insurance company" due to increased underwriting losses. The Fat Lady was>camouflaged. A>secondary purpose was to avoid U.S. Customs scrutiny. Required fields are marked *. Using the code name John Cathey, North is said to have orchestrated a>complicated scheme by which the Nicaraguan Contra Rebels' freedom-fighting>activities could be financed, and by which they could be armed with fully>automatic M-16-type rifles. Barry Seal. With Tom Cruise, Domhnall Gleeson, Sarah Wright, Jesse Plemons. [5], >On the flight home from Honduras, Seal met Carlos Bustamonte, a Miami car>dealer. He was never able to testify against William Jefferson>Blythe Clinton either. Welch was an investigator for the Arkansas State>Police Criminal Investigations Division, taking part in Seal's prosecution in>federal court in Baton Rouge on drug-trafficking and money-laundering charges.>He attended one of Seal's depositions on 27 December 1985, and heard Seal make>these admissions.[9]. >To Seal, and others involved in weapons smuggling, what made the business>risky was that the registration law applied not only to the purchase and>transportation of automatic weapons, but also to the kits used to convert>semiautomatic into automatic weapons. When the federal government declared 'war on drugs,' FBI agent Del Hahn, a former Marine of the Korean War era, joined the battle. . Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. He became a key witness in the federalgovernment's war on the powerful Colombian cocaine cartel. Mr. WEINER I know him, yes.Mr. They immediately hopped back into the Buick and>sped away, nearly running over an eyewitness. >The "plea bargain" and "probation" referred to the plea agreement Seal was>finally able to reach with federal prosecutors in Baton Rouge, in November>1984, just before the grand jury indictment was formally handed down. >It is well documented that Seal was one of the top five drug smugglers in the>United States. >Although he spent most of his time out of state, Barry Seal maintained close>ties with friends and family in Louisiana. On March 3, 1986, only two weeks after Seal was murdered, Louisiana Attorney General William Guste hand-delivered a five-page letter to U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese. Even>though his testimony was critical to the government's case against Ochoa, as>one writer has suggested, Seal knew far more about drug trafficking in>Arkansas, and "where the bodies were buried," than he knew about Colombia, and>he could have helped put a number of prominent American politicians and>officials behind bars.[50]. As the light of day>began to fade, a gray Buick driven by Velez raced into the parking lot,>pulling within a few feet of Seal's vehicle, on the driver's side. ( jack ruby called Lennie Patrick in chicago ) After death, his story was famous, and a lot of people were talking . .Rouge Louisiana (next hwy73/North blvd).lovers lane White house Barry was the 1st son.Seal Entrepreneur.Texaco Service station .called B.C. "ABC News," in association with Kuhnhart Productions, put together a>documentary a few years ago entitled "The Informers," about federally>protected witnesses. Minute entry, 8 January 1986, U.S. v. Seal. total number on board :4 =Hidell Lambert Diaz / Color of aircraft : Red /W.David Ferrie plane found :Stinson Voyager 150 Nobleville.Indiana.Don Roberts shed next to eastside of his home next Nobleville Airport Promise Road Stinson Voyager Single Engine airplane manufactured 1946.David Ferrie sold stinson plane February 13,1967. According to the>DEA, Ochoa was "the world's largest cocaine dealer. In fact, there was a made-for-cable movie, Double Crossed, that starred Dennis Hopper as Seal. no. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. It worked, Unglesby said. Keep a secret if two are dead 1981, he was hiding White > cult! He parked his car, he was never able to testify against William Jefferson > Blythe Clinton either States! His Cadillac Honduras, Seal set up shop at Mena in Nicaragua > meet DEA! Over an eyewitness Shaw Nov 1966 another was through the little town of Mena, in western Arkansas... 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