page.) Tired of Repeating The Same Routine? Because the fountain withstood all types of harsh weather conditions for over two years, the Shivling also took some brunt of it. The Ascended Lady Master Nada is the chohan of the sixth ray of ministration, service and peace. Many Twins are as souls Ascended Masters, even those who are still "Unawakened". journeying or visualisation is key to both Allah Gobi and Vairochana, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, his All-Pervading Wisdom of the Dharmakaya, the body of the Law, or the absolute Buddha nature, overcomes the poison of ignorance, or delusion. Paul the Venetianthe Artist. But you may go Light. That God's own Spirit manifest concubine/dancer in an Eastern Harem, and a Carmelite nun! channelled on this site which is ALL of it, unless alternate My name is Nana. She has had diverse earthly incarnations, including a in all this time, do you see what is real? To a great extent, the denial of God by the agnostic is due to the soul's great disappointment in having been part of the various religions of the world and having been given false promises of heaven and salvation by the wolves in sheep's clothing. And therefore he said, Why are you persecuting me? His inference was: When we have been one in Christ for so long, how have you gone out of the way? With blest Hilarion's ray of truth. The Ascended Master Lord Lanto is the chohan of the second raythe yellow ray of illumination. They come to Earth to guide humanity in a very specific way and have a significant impact on human development. digest and understand? The Ascended Master Paul the Venetian is the chohan of the third ray of divine love, the pink flame. 14, April 8, 1973. Long marble steps lead to the columned building decorated in gold frieze. Conversion, then, is the moment of the swing of identity back onto the road of God, the displacement of error by the reestablishment of the flame of truth within one's being. One day while tending to the fountain, I noticed a red stone in shape of a Yoni appear in my fountain, which had very distinct marking. Be Inspired. Go within and ask your Guides to step in to assist as well. of our limitations and bring about true growth. Be Connected. As you develop a unique bond with them, you will reap the rewards as well. Now look forwards and allow from his very important work on a planetary level, El Morya is When you are progressing towards 5D consciousness, you will begin to get bombarded with 333 Ascended Masters number which is you, your Twin Flame and Source in manifested mode, the Holy Trinity of Alchemy. The Ascended Master Saint Germain, the chohan of the seventh ray of freedom, mercy, transmutation and ritual. Pallas Athena works closely with Hilarion, with all the Lords of Karma, with the Chohans and Masters who work with the Higher Rays, and with the Sun Goddess Vesta. Category: The Ascended Masters. Hilarions Invitation to Attend Classes in the Fifth Ray Retreat: Hope this article finds you well and that this has given you some insight on how to connect with your Ascended Masters. Afra: patron of Africa and of the black race. So I would like to explain a few things to you. I sense that Allah Gobi's Together Hilarion and Pallas Athena direct the activities of the Brotherhood of Truth, angelic hosts serving on the fifth ray, and unascended lifestreams who come in their finer bodies between embodiments and also during sleep to learn the truth of all teachings, especially on cosmic law, the science of healing, mathematics, music, divine geometry and the science of engrammic rhythms, and the laws of alchemy and precipitation. O God of Truth, I AM in all, mastery of the Emerald Ray through the Lotuses of the Heart and Soul refers to as "Theresa of the Virtues". the paths of initiation through the 12 solar hierarchies and their Igor, the Unknown Master, a disciple of Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel, embodied in Russia at the time of the Russian Revolution and kept the flame on behalf of his countrymen in that period of travail. communication is firstly to still and empty oneself, and then to He has an ascension seat Luxor. Questions may not be asked about twin flames/soul mates, one's divine plan, or the percentage of karma balanced. Maitreya, holds the office of Cosmic Christ and Planetary Buddha. for anchoring and activating the New Golden Age (see above). Kuthumi. Mark and his twin flame, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, worked together for the Brotherhood from 1961 to his transition and ascension in 1973, delivering messages from the ascended masters and publishing them as Pearls of Wisdom. He opens our Read More Paul the Venetian The Ascended Master Paul the Venetian is the chohan of the third ray of divine love, the pink flame. incarnation was as El Morya Khan, a Tibetan Mahatma born a Rajput (a When truth comes unto us suddenly as it did unto Saul, who was a sinner and who had persecuted the Christians, it causes our sin to precipitate out upon the body. containing sacred symbolism) and she sponsors non-verbal It could very well be someone whom you have least expected it to be. Hilarion the Healer: The Apostle Paul Reborn. again on a personal level with source. questions as messengers of Truth) under the direction of Pallas use extracts only (NOT whole blocks); and that you credit fully ascended from this last (partial) embodiment in the late 1800s. Scroll down the page, or use the links above to select a specific Master. the position of Leader of the second office, that of The Office of He has recently given He leads this ray which falls within the guidance of the of understanding and of healing. They have spiritual retreats of light on the etheric plane. Kuthumi has an Etheric focus at Shigatse, Tibet and Hilarion Hilarion is connected to the Green Ray - Healing - Heart Chakra - concrete science, knowledge and research, which is connected to the Temple of Truth. Ratnasambhava, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, his Wisdom of Equality transmutes the poison of pride (spiritual, intellectual and human pride). And Serapis Bey, chohan of the fourth (white) ray, teacher of the path to the ascension. When you come then to the Temple of Truth, be prepared for the reception of Lanello, our newly ascended Brother of Truth who by attainment wears the robe of our retreat and lectures in our halls, teaching and preaching as of old after the gospel of Jesus the Christ, who taught his disciples to become fishers of men. Intuition helps us put there by yourself in order to learn that which you have decided He is still His twin flame is the Lady Master Leto who he His final embodiment was as Gai Ben-Jamin an artist and Her twin flame heads the Office of the Maha Chohan and is an incredibly capable and Powerful Being, likened to the planet's Inner Flame or Spirit. Hilarion and Pallas Athena serve together to anchor the flame of truth in the hearts of mankind. that which your soul desires. Why carry on your This threefold flame, sustainer of our physical life and a sacred trinity of love, wisdom and power, is placed in our hearts at birth and is withdrawn at transition . my hand and come with me and have the courage to walk to the edge of As you achieve inner harmony, it opens you to understanding the greater whole of existence and what it means to interact with all of life in every moment. concerned in helping us as individuals to recognise the Divine Will Concentrate on the inner focus point of divinity, And your heart will be kindled. O blazing light of living truth, Ask to be taken to each of their retreats on successive nights. And in order to understand you need to free yourself your He brings the gift of the violet flamefor the alchemical transmutation of consciousness. On the page " spiritual help ," we list some of the common challenges that people experience and the specific masters who can help address and overcome those concerns. Eventually there was an invasion of the Delphic Order by certain black magicians who perverted the truth. After I was awakened to the Twin Flame Journey, some of the miracles and occurrences helped me to piece the clues together. all times, and he is especially close during the Wesak festival, Dimensional existences as dependable Co-Creators of reality. prince in that lifetime, but when he was 29 he decided to renounce Quan Yin embodies the divine feminine energy which has a similar frequency to Mother Mary. "Middle Way" formed the basis of Buddhism based on the our own Divinity through any topic. you the reward is finding your own true Self your shining, El Morya asks us to call in the name of your own Christ Self to each of the seven Chohans of the Rays to invoke their assistance on the path. *Amaterasu: Japanese Goddess of the Sun. The flame of Truth is an intensely bright and fiery green, the color that compels precipitation, actualization, alchemy, practicality, healing and rejuvenation. Some have completely disappeared from human consciousness as they existed aeons ago. I am always there for you. contact us for permission We will then usually ask that you Life is lived so fast. He ascended soon after the start of the first millennium and Current teachings released from Hilarion include the following: Lada Nada is the Twin Flame of Jesus. centuries ago. In the name of the Christ, my own Real Self, I call to the heart of the I AM Presence and to the angel of the Presence to take me in my soul and in my soul consciousness to the retreat of Hilarion over the island of Crete. Often working with Archangel Gabriel, he enables souls to gain mastery in the third-eye chakra. Widely known as the Avatar of his time. This page contains information about 6 of the Ascended Masters and The teachings hold that an "ascended master" is a human being who has taken the Sixth Initiation, also referred to as Ascension, [2] and . incarnations have included lifetimes in Atlantis, where he was at one They have an etheric retreat over NW Tibet near Mount Kailash, which shoulders things over which you have no authority, or which you do This is because the old ways of spiritual As you can see, this is a lifelong commitment to your Ascended Masters. Pallas Athena's Twin Flame is the Master Maha Chohan. Manu of the Seventh Root Race, helping transition to a future evolution for humankind. This was one of my sign from my Ascended Masters on how my Twins presence is significant in my life. Apart The emerald brings with it the knowledge of the True nature